Yog Mahotsav, Pune’s premier Yoga Festival, announced on 17th November 

at The Poona Club Ltd. Camp, Pune

Pune: The second edition of Yog Mahotsav, Pune’s own Yoga Festival, will be held at The Poona Club Ltd., Camp, on 17th November, organizers announced today.

Yoga has been quickly gaining popularity as a form of exercise. However, many have preconceived notions about yoga being very slow or boring or meant only to stretch the body or meant only for women. Also, yoga enthusiasts in the city have suffered from a lack of a platform to exchange learnings and ideas, and to gain exposure to new and emerging concepts around yoga, wellness, and related fields. The idea of creating this forum of learning is what inspired Sarika Salvi Vasudev & Zahabbiya Walbeek to conceptualize Yog Mahotsav.


The event last year had an encouraging and enthusiastic response from more than 200 Punekars, and every one of them was very supportive and positive at the outcome. Several participants, teachers and students both, talked about how the festival provided a unique space for knowledge exchange and learning.

Seeing the uniformly positive response, the plan was made to create a larger space and explore more themes in 2019. In this edition of the Mahotsav, Experts, Doctors, Yoga & Meditation teachers come on the same platform to teach, learn, and interact with each other in the relaxed, comfortable environment of Poona Club.

This time around, Yog Mahotsav will be inaugurated by Shri Subodh Tiwari, CEO of KaivalyadhamYoga Institute – Lonavala, one of the oldest and most well-respected Yoga institutions in the country. He will be accompanied by Dr. Sai Susarla, Dean – MIT School of Vedic Sciences.

Yog Mahotsav this time will have sessions on different forms of meditation to de-stress, Importance of strength in asanas, facets from Dance movement therapy to Sanskrit: The language of Yoga and such sessions conducted by Experts, Philosophers & Doctors.

Yog Mahotsav is expected to attract more than 400 participants this time and will be a huge step forward in establishing Pune as the yoga capital of India, the city where the best knowledge and capabilities in yoga are to be found.

“The long-term objective of this event is to promote Pune as the spiritual capital of Yoga in India. To do this, we need to organize an event that showcases the best aspects of Yoga in Pune. Yog Utsav held in November 2018 was very well received. And we are humbled by the love and encouragement showered on us. This will be our second year and we wish to grow it every year, adding new features, plans to the event.”, says Sarika Vasudev, co-founder and a key organizer of Yog Mahotsav.

“Indeed, we have been blessed and fortunate to attract key support of Poona Club as our venue partner andGOQii as our biggest Health Partner. Thanks to GOQii, this year’s attendees to the event will end up taking home a lot more than just learning and knowledge – they will be able get benefits and gifts that will more than pay back the cost of the tickets themselves!”, said ZahabbiyaWalbeek co-founder and key organizer. “We are confident that, building on last year’s success, this year’s event will be bigger, better and a massive step towards establishing Yog Mahotsav as the premier yoga event of the country!”

For more info and Online Bookings:
Call: Sarika: +918975550300 or Zahabbiya: +919975059574
e-mail: puneyogutsav@gmail.com

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