Mitron TV to host a live session with World Famous Nutrition & Health Coach Ryan Fernando to Address Significance of Balanced Nutrition Amidst COVID-19

Bangalore, May 26, 2021: Mitron TV, India’s leading homegrown short-format video app, paves its way to contribute towards the uncertain pandemic by bringing onboard doctors and nutritionists to help solve people’s queries through its ongoing campaign #VirustoVaccine, which disperse existing myths, confusion, wrong information about the virus and the vaccine. This week, the short-format video app will be bringing onboard celebrity nutritionist and health coach Ryan Fernando. His session will be focusing on the value and importance of proper nutritional intake and the healthy things individuals should consume, whether the person is infected by covid or not. 

 Ryan Fernando is a Life Member of the Nutrition Society of India and a British Commonwealth Scholar. He has two Masters of Science Degrees – Food Biotechnology from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland and has pursued Clinical Biochemistry from the Goa Medical College. He is also a certified Health Coach from the USA. Ryan is well known amongst film stars and athletes. 

 The #VirustoVaccinee campaign has been ongoing for a month, and these live sessions are conducted on the new feature launched by Mitron TV called, Live Samvaad. The live sessions conducted have seen prominent medical professionals and doctors such as J.A. Jayalal, Indian Medical Association’s National President, Dr. Ashok Seth, Chairman of Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Padma Shree Awardee Dr. Sanjeev Bagai. These live sessions are free for all Indian users seeking answers around the virus as well as the vaccine and guidance from professionals to stop misinformation from spreading further. 

 Through this campaign, the short-format video app is safeguarding individuals and addressing different discussions related to myths about vaccination, Dos and Don’ts, explaining terms like ‘black fungus’, what an individual should consume to stay healthy, amongst others, thus educating consumers about COVID-19 and the vaccination which is of utmost importance in the current scenario. 

 All the live sessions are being conducted every Saturday at 7 PM on Mitron TV. For any further guidance and support on vaccination, users can send their queries to

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